Posts – Page 3

Ubuntu Developer Membership Board Election

Voting Machine

An election for a recently opened spot on the DMB has just begun. While all the names of those nominated are familiar to me, I still need some more information to make a decision. All of the candidates are eminently qualified. Unfortunately, the call for votes didn’t include any …

Ubuntu Release Calendar

CalendarOne thing I’ve been missing recently has been having the Ubuntu release schedule in my calendar. Steve Langasek used to provide one in ical format, but it wasn’t update for Natty nor Oneiric. The Fridge has a calandar containing a schedule of events for  #ubuntu-meeting, but that doesn …

Can i haz answers?


AskUbuntu is continuing to grow. According to the Stack Exchange site directory, we have:

  • 17k Questions
  • 31k Answers
  • 19k User
  • 21k Visits/Day
  • 81% of questions have accepted answers

While 81% puts us into the same league as Stack Overflow and Super User, we still have hundreds of questions without …

GPG key transition

I’ve recently set up a stronger (4096R) OpenPGP key, and will be transitioning away from my old (1024D) one. The old key will continue to be valid for some time, but i prefer all future correspondence to come to the new one. I would also like this new key …

Doctors Without Borders Haiti Emergency Response

Please excuse this break from your normally scheduled Ubuntu programing…

Support Doctors Without Borders in Haiti

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an independent international medical humanitarian organization. If you can spare even a few dollars to help in the emergency efforts under way in Haiti, I strongly recommend giving what you can to …